关于组织参加2020 IPBC深圳线上论坛的通知
2020/11/16 15:56:33


由IAM主办的2020 IPBC深圳线上论坛定于12月1日和2日上午举行。论坛采取中英双语模式,包括两场主旨演讲和四场会议。议程将结合国内和国际视角,展开知识产权价值创造和企业知识产权战略最佳实践探讨。市专利协会是本次论坛的支持单位,拟组织会员单位参加本次活动。现将有关事宜如下:




























Benjamin Bai is vice president and chief IP counsel of Ant Group, the parent company of Alipay which operates the world’s largest online and mobile payments platform and serves about 1.3 billion users around the world. Ant Group employs cutting-edge AI and blockchain technologies to accelerate financial inclusion and is one of the top patent filers in the world on blockchain. Mr Bai is responsible for all aspects of protecting and enforcing the company’s intellectual property.

Before joining Ant Group, he was a partner at international law firms Jones Day and Allen & Overy in the United States and China, where he focused on high-stake IP litigation and licensing. During his time in private practice, Mr Bai won numerous accolades. He was honoured by China Law and Practice as IP Lawyer of the Year 2015. He was also selected by Who’s Who Legal: patents 2015 as one of the world’s leading patent lawyers. Managing Intellectual Property named him an IP Star for patent licensing, protection and litigation and trade secrets in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Chambers Asia and the Legal 500 recognised him as a leading Chinese IP practitioner from 2008 to 2016. 

Mr Bai obtained his JD from the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, his PhD in chemistry from Rice University, and his BS from the University of Science and Technology of China.


Jeff Holman draws from a broad background that spans law, engineering, and business. He is driven to deploy strategic business initiatives that create enterprise value and establish operational efficiencies. Mr. Holman earned his bachelor’s of science in electrical engineering and juris doctor from the University of Utah and a master’s in business administration from Brigham Young University. He has practiced patent and intellectual property law in Silicon Valley, built and managed a law firm focused on IP transactions, helped "Shark Tank" inventors with legal and business strategy, and served as general counsel for the leading innovator for consumer electronics waterproofing technology—where he managed engagements with two Fortune 10 customers, provided key legal oversight related to $170 million in equity and debt funding, and oversaw global IP strategy. Additionally, Mr. Holman is working with a development team at Intellectual Strategies to launch the first software-as-a-service platform dedicated to IP strategy.



黄睿是因特尔专利团队的高级专利顾问。因特尔是领先的半导体公司,也是中国国家知识产权局中顶尖的外国申请者之一。因特尔的专利团队维护着大型的多样化专利组合,范围涵盖全世界及各种领域,例如半导体体系结构、5G 通信、人工智能和自动驾驶。 黄先生负责处理因特尔在中国的几乎所有专利相关事务,包括专利申请、专利分析、专利利用和专利组合塑造。在于 2016 年加入因特尔专利团队之前,他曾在西门子的专利团队中工作了六年,在此期间他处理了许多亚太地区的专利授权和交易项目。在加入西门子之前,黄先生还曾担任一家瑞士跨国公司的内部专利律师。


Ryan McCarthy律师是现任斐锐律师事务所中国深圳代表处的首席代表,他的执业方向侧重于专利申请、诉讼支持、专利法咨询、知识产权尽职调查、知识产权战略、专利组合管理以及知识产权的协议和许可。McCarthy律师不仅现长期居住在中国以为客户提供更及时的服务,他也曾在德国慕尼黑工作和生活多年,积累了许多向德国国家专利局和欧洲专利局(EPO)进行专利申请的经验。因此,McCarthy律师对知识产权业务有着极强的国际视野,也积累了很多为多国客户提供法律服务的经验。

McCarthy律师代理过多起美国专利商标局 (USPTO)和欧洲专利局(EPO)审理的专利授权后诉讼案件,并在软件、计算机科学、机械、机电、电气系统和控件等技术领域拥有多年的工作经验。同时,McCarthy律师在许多科技前沿领域有着丰富的法律经验,如区块链技术,人工智能及机器学习,并其所涵盖的深度学习和强化学习等领域。美国最高法院于2014年对Alice Corp. 诉 CLS Bank 一案作出判决后, McCarthy律师尤其侧重并精通于可专利性业务。除了架构斐锐的 Alice Tracker 网站外, McCarthy律师还制定灵活的与可专利性相关的起诉和诉讼策略,以更好应对联邦巡回法院和地区法院不断变化的可专利性判例法。

除了不断学习普通话外,McCarthy律师还掌握流利的德语。另外,在GKN Automotive, Inc. 担任应用工程师,并在德国和英国开展GKN plc Group毕业生发展计划中担任助理工程师的经历,也让他积攒了丰富的工程专业类经验。


Over the past 20 years, Thierry Paul has led IP strategies and managed IP portfolios for companies operating in various industries from telecoms to AI. He currently leads Element AI’s IP strategy and focuses on patents and technology trade secrets issues. Before joining Element AI, Mr Paul led the Global IP department at CAE, a world-leading creator of simulation technologies and training services for aircraft manufacturers, airlines, defence customers and healthcare specialists. Mr Paul holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from École Polytechnique de Montréal. 


Scott Schneider is a Business Development Executive, Senior Technical Leader and Principal Patent Engineer at IBM with more than 30 years’ combined software engineering and IP industry experience. He leads a talented team of patent engineers who support activities in Asia-Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. His team creates exciting new opportunities in patent licensing, assignments and creative monetisation models. His role provides for the enjoyable hybrid application of technical and business acumen in the context of customer-facing engagements. Mr Schneider is an IBM ‘master inventor’ with more than 40 pending and granted patents. His deep software expertise spans the architecture, design and development of open source and commercial systems through object-oriented approaches. His research focus includes design patterns, programming models and languages and augmented intelligence as it applies to patent analytics. In 2016 he was inducted into the IBM Academy of Technology.



谭育渊毕业于新加坡国立大学,现任穆迪分析旗下公司Bureau van Dijk亚太知识产权解决方案总监。他目前管理公司在知识产权领域的业务,并负责开发并优化专利数据解决方案——Orbis Intellectual Property。他在知识产权研究和创新领域拥有丰富经验,长期为政府、学术提供咨询服务。





Keiji Ushijima has been a senior IP director at Tianma Microelectronics Co Ltd since 2018. He worked for NEC Corporation for more than 25 years in the fields of international technology transfer, know-how and patent licensing, patent monetisation and M&A deals by valuating such intangible assets.

After Mr Ushijima moved to Tianma China, he succeeded in remodelling its IP business process, focusing on creating high-value patents and concluding important patent licensing and transactions. 



王律师在为跨国公司及中国公司提供知识产权组合管理法律意见、开展尽职调查、提供许可、诉讼和商业秘密保护与维权服务等方面拥有丰富的经验。她参与过多起美国国际贸易委员会(U.S. International Trade Commission,ITC)和美国地区法院的案件,并帮助海外企业在中国进行知识产权维权,包括以司法和海关途径进行维权。


王律师被《Intellectual Asset Management》评选为中国地区专利交易领域领军人,专利申办领域领军人,及诉讼业务领军律师。《Strategy 300》将她列为顶级知识产权策略师。《World IP Review》将她收录至世界知识产权评论-领军人名录(中国专利领域)。



叶国良先生毕业于新竹交通大学获工学博士/科技法律硕士/工学学士学位,于中国政法大学获法学博士学位,于台湾大学获工学硕士学位以及于加州大学柏克莱分校获法学硕士学位,并同时拥有美国和中国职业律师,美国前专利代理人, 中国专利代理人资格证以及中华民国仲裁委员会仲裁员等专业资质,并荣获2020 ALB中国知识产权法务15强。


David Yurkerwich is Senior Managing Director and Leader of Ankura Consulting Group’s IP team. He assists clients in navigating the challenges and capitalising on opportunities associated with assessing, valuing and managing IP assets in today’s global innovation economy. Combining competitive information and state-of-the-art valuation methodologies, Ankura delivers practical business solutions.

Mr Yurkerwich has been recognised in the IAM Strategy 300 since its inception in 2008. Mr Yurkerwich works closely with inventors, owners and attorneys to assess patentability and markets for technologies to build and maintain competitive IP portfolios. He negotiates IP-based transactions, and structures and manages joint development, licensing and enforcement activities. Mr Yurkerwich provides expert valuation testimony in patent infringement cases, international arbitration and other business disputes involving companies in Asia, Europe, South America and the United States.

Mr Yurkerwich is active in the brokering, finance, IP auction, IP management consultancy, licensing, M&A, technology transfer and valuation sectors. 

