卓越行动计划高起点新刊Opto-Electronic Science发布创刊词!
2021/12/18 10:58:57 来源:光电显示

中国科学院光电技术研究所主办的开放获取期刊Opto-Electronic Science即将于2022年1月正式出版第一期,敬请期待。

Opto-Electronic Science是卓越行动计划高起点新刊,也是国际知名光学期刊Opto-Electronic Advances的姊妹刊。

Opto-Electronic Science的创刊主编为中国工程院院士、中国科学院光电技术研究所罗先刚研究员,创刊执行主编为新加坡工程院院士、新加坡国立大学洪明辉教授。


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Opto-Electronic Science创刊词



为了促进学术界的积极交流和跨学科合作,我们在此宣布Opto-Electronic Science(光电科学,简称OES)正式创刊,用以展示光电基础科学领域的创新性研究。

Opto-Electronic Science由中国科学院光电技术研究所主办,该所是中国光电领域的重要研究机构,已有50多年的辉煌历史。OES是卓越行动计划高起点新刊,将采用独立自主、开放获取(OA)的办刊模式。OES发表内容更专注于光学、光子学和光电子学及相关交叉学科领域的基础科学和重要突破,期刊栏目包括原创论文、综述和快讯等。

Opto-Electronic Science荣幸地邀请到多位世界顶尖的活跃科学家组成编委会。他们将以其专业知识和洞察力,高标准地管理稿件同行评审过程,是期刊高水平、专业性和权威性的重要基础。作为国际高影响力光学期刊Opto-Electronic Advances (光电进展,IF 9.682)的姊妹刊,OES由Opto-Electronic Advances原班出版团队打造。

我们期待与大家一起,使Opto-Electronic Science成为展示光电及相关学科最优秀的基础创新的优质平台,也希望它能为研究人员带来新的灵感,引领他们共筑光电科学激动人心的光明未来。

Journal launch: Welcome Opto-Electronic Science

Optics is an ancient and vibrant subject with a rich history of thousands of years. Since Maxwell discovered that light is an electromagnetic wave, optics has always been accompanied by electricity. Optics and opto-electronics play a vital role in many key fields related to the development and progress of mankind, such as energy, information, internet, astronomy, and medicine, etc. Many large-scale scientific projects, ranging from laser nuclear fusion to gravitational wave detection, from large-aperture telescopes to lithography equipment, are mainly based on opto-electronic science.

In the history of scientific development, the opto-electronic discipline is also extremely important. A large number of Nobel Prize winning works on Theory of relativity, Quantum theory, Lasers, Laser cooling, Light-emitting diodes, and Topological phase transitions, are deeply rooted in opto-electronic science.

Nowadays, there are still many unaddressed issues in the field of opto-electronic science, in particular the optical diffraction limit, the coupling of photons and electrons, new opto-electronic materials, and the analogy between topological electron and topological photon related effects, which require our in-depth investigations. New breakthroughs, new paradigms and new horizons in fundamental research are therefore needed.

To promote discussion among scientific community and interdisciplinary collaboration, here we announce the launch of a new journal, Opto-Electronic Science, to display the emerging groundbreaking research focused on opto-electronics, and to encourage researchers to discover more the nature of science.

Opto-Electronic Science (OES) is founded and sponsored by the Institute of Optics and Electronics (IOE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which is a crucial research institute in the field of opto-electronics in China, with a glorious history over 50 years. OES is an open-access journal to promptly publish peer-reviewed Articles, Letters, Reviews, and Editorials, etc. This new journal will focus more on theoretical and fundamental innovations covering the broad area of optics, photonics and opto-electronics. Selected as a China’s high-profile new journal, it is supported by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).

We are very honored in assembling an outstanding editorial board of world-leading scientists who are actively engaged in the research community. They are dedicated to select effective professional reviewers and manage the high-standard peer-reviewing processes of the manuscripts with their expertise and insight. OES has firm supports from the excellent editorial team of its sister journal Opto-Electronic Advances (OEA).

We are looking forward, with the most excellent contributions from the community, to making Opto-Electronic Science an outstanding platform for exhibiting the finest fundamental innovations in opto-electronics and related disciplines. We also hope that it will bring new inspirations for researchers and usher them into the exciting and bright future of opto-electronics science.

Xiangang Luo, Minghui Hong. 2022. Journal launch: Welcome Opto-Electronic Science. Opto-Electronic Science, (1): e1. doi: 10.29026/oes.2022.e1



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